Kelly Stevens / FabFunky
Place of Birth: London
Profession: Full time artist
1. Describe your hometown in one sentence.
It’s a traditional seaside town, and Im very lucky as I live just outside of town and within walking distance to a beautiful beach which is great for walking my dogs.
2. What is typical for West Sussex?
The South Downs – a large, beautiful and protected area of countryside which is just up the road from us.
Little villages with ancient cottages.
And then we have Brighton, a very lively city with a bohemian vibe, just 10 miles away.
Unten: The dip slope of the South Downs near Arundel. Foto: Gottik666

3. Which are your 3 favourite places in the south of England?
Pretty much anywhere in Devon and Cornwall. Especially the little traditional fishing ports with the tiny cottages and even tinier winding streets.
4. Which are your 3 favourite places in Great Britain?
Whilst I love living near the sea and the country side I am a city girl at heart, so London and Glasgow have to be at the top of the list. But also pretty much anywhere on the west coast of Scotland as well.
Eine von Kelly's Lieblingsorten: Glasgow
Hier dargestellt in dem Gemälde Shipping on the Clyde (Atkinson Grimshaw, 1881)

5. What is the idea and philosophy behind FabFunky?
It is not very serious, but you can tell that from the designs. Nearly everything I do is animal focused, and it is all about bringing out the different personality of animals, humanising (1) them a little, and making people smile.

6. What were the milestones in your career?
I actually only took up art at the age of 45 and had never done anything artistic since I had left school at 16. So the biggest milestone for me was that after all that time it felt amazing that I could go back to something I loved and actually make a living from it.
7. What or who inspires you most?
My own dogs probably, as I see their character traits and just want to capture them and humanise them further. But inspiration can strike from the most unexpected sources sometimes as well.
"Tiere vermenschlichen" ist ein Spaß, denn Kelly mit ihrer Kunst umsetzt. Unten zwei ihrer Kissen mit dem Fuch-Gentleman und dem Hirsch-Gentleman, die ihr bei Lovely British Somethings auf DIESER SEITE findet.
8. What was your best nature-experience?
It was on a boat actually in the Venetian Lagoon. My husband and I hired a boat and driver for the day, and I distinctly remember speeding across the lagoon on a perfect early autumn day with the sun still warm and shining brightly. It wasn’t overly nature-inspired, but we were outside, so I think that counts.
9. What does your ideal weekend look like?
Very slow but involving dinner or lunch with friends somewhere Mediterranean.
10. What is your favourite British dish?
Ok, so this might horrify some but it has to be a Banana sandwich. Mashed up banana in French bread. I don’t know if that’s very British, but I do love it.

(1) Humanising: Vermenschlichen