Sie ist Illustratorin und Autorin, kommt aus einem kleinen Dorf im Nordwesten von Schottland und lebt heute in Aberdeen.
Describe your hometown Aberdeen in one sentence.
While I currently live in Aberdeen, I grew up on the very north coast of Scotland. Aberdeen is known as the ‘silver city’ due to its granite buildings. It has a superb stretch of coast for blowing the cobwebs (1) away!
What is typically Scottish?
- Kilts
- Bagpipes (2)
- Fiddle (violin, which I play!)
- Haggis (3)
- A really good ceilidh dance (4)
Which are your 3 favourite places in Scotland?
Phew, only 3? It is very difficult to narrow my favourite places in Scotland down to 3!
- Skye, specifically the ’Spar Cave‘
- Durness
- The Fife coastline
What are your 3 favourite places in Great Britain?
I have not explored too much of England yet, but I definitely love
- the Lake District
- and Whitby Bay is lovely
I would then have to return to Scotland and say anywhere down the West Coast and the Outer Hebrides!
What is your motto for life?
Live the Adventure
Which 3 things would you take with you to a desert island (5)?
- Good walking boots
- A water-catching system
- Sun cream (I burn too easily)
What were your milestones in your career as an artist?
- Being commissioned by some large companies including the Highland Wildlife Park and Chest, Heart Stroke Charity.
- Winning the competition to design a label for Cairn O’ Mohr wines and seeing these labels on the bottles in our local supermarket!
- Having designs selected for 5+ charity sculpture trails across Scotland.
- Producing an actual game!! [Anm. der Redaktion: Waters Edge – ein wirklich tolles Spiel, das ihr natürlich auch bei Lovely British Somethings kaufen könnt! WATERS EDGE]
- Hopefully, in the not too distant future, tipping the balance from my day job to working as an artist mainly. So the other way around to now 😀
What are the things that inspire you most?
- Other illustrators
- Nature
- Adventures and the outdoors
- Books I read
- Conversations with my partner.
What was your best nature-experience?
Oh dear – again, it is hard to pick just one! Here are some of them:
- Wild-camping as I tackled (6) the Cateran Trail (7) myself
- Cycling around Isle of Arran solo
- Tackling my first two Munro (mountains over 3000ft) solo
- Rescuing a moth stuck on the surface tension of a pond and letting it dry on my hand before it flew off
- Helping a sheep getting back on its feet
- Wading (8) down streams in trainers, building damns in the sand to re-route a little stream.
What is your favourite sandwich?
Oooh, this is random (9)! 😀 and so is my answer…. I love corned beef with plain soft cheese and hula hoops standing upright – can’t beat a crisp sandwich!
*********Kleines Wörterbuch********
(1) Cobwebs: Spinnenweben
(2) Bagpipe: Dudelsack
(3) Haggis: ein schottisches Gericht aus Innereien eines Schafbocks
(4) Ceilidh (gälisch): ein schottischer (oder irischer) Volkstanz & Tanzveranstaltung
(5) Desert island: einsame Insel
(6) Tackle: bewältigen
(7) Cateran trail: ein Rundwanderweg im Herzen Schottlands
(8) Wading: waten
(9) Random: willkürlich