Künstlerin – Lovely British Somethings https://lovely-british-somethings.de Mon, 28 Sep 2020 05:47:07 +0000 de hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.10 182355533 10 Fragen an Catherine (Aberdeen, Schottland) https://lovely-british-somethings.de/2020/09/22/catherine-redgate-aberdeen-schottland/ https://lovely-british-somethings.de/2020/09/22/catherine-redgate-aberdeen-schottland/#respond Tue, 22 Sep 2020 11:40:31 +0000 https://lovely-british-somethings.de/?p=2162 Der Beitrag 10 Fragen an Catherine (Aberdeen, Schottland) erschien zuerst auf Lovely British Somethings.


Sie ist Illustratorin und Autorin, kommt aus einem kleinen Dorf im Nordwesten von Schottland und lebt heute in Aberdeen. 

Describe your hometown Aberdeen in one sentence.

While I currently live in Aberdeen, I grew up on the very north coast of Scotland. Aberdeen is known as the ‘silver city’ due to its granite buildings. It has a superb stretch of coast for blowing the cobwebs (1) away!

What is typically Scottish?


  • Kilts
  • Bagpipes (2)
  • Fiddle (violin, which I play!)
  • Haggis (3)
  • A really good ceilidh dance (4)

Which are your 3 favourite places in Scotland?


Phew, only 3? It is very difficult to narrow my favourite places in Scotland down to 3!

  • Skye, specifically the ’Spar Cave‘
  • Durness
  • The Fife coastline

What are your 3 favourite places in Great Britain?

I have not explored too much of England yet, but I definitely love
  • the Lake District
  • and Whitby Bay is lovely

I would then have to return to Scotland and say anywhere down the West Coast and the Outer Hebrides!


What is your motto for life?

Live the Adventure

Which 3 things would you take with you to a desert island (5)?


  • Good walking boots
  • A water-catching system
  • Sun cream (I burn too easily)


What were your milestones in your career as an artist?


  • Being commissioned by some large companies including the Highland Wildlife Park and Chest, Heart Stroke Charity.
  • Winning the competition to design a label for Cairn O’ Mohr wines and seeing these labels on the bottles in our local supermarket!
  • Having designs selected for 5+ charity sculpture trails across Scotland.
  • Producing an actual game!! [Anm. der Redaktion: Waters Edge – ein wirklich tolles Spiel, das ihr natürlich auch bei Lovely British Somethings kaufen könnt! WATERS EDGE]
  • Hopefully, in the not too distant future, tipping the balance from my day job to working as an artist mainly. So the other way around to now 😀


What are the things that inspire you most?


  • Other illustrators
  • Nature
  • Adventures and the outdoors
  • Books I read
  • Conversations with my partner.


What was your best nature-experience?

Oh dear – again, it is hard to pick just one! Here are some of them:
  • Wild-camping as I tackled (6) the Cateran Trail (7) myself
  • Cycling around Isle of Arran solo
  • Tackling my first two Munro (mountains over 3000ft) solo
  • Rescuing a moth stuck on the surface tension of a pond and letting it dry on my hand before it flew off
  • Helping a sheep getting back on its feet
  • Wading (8) down streams in trainers, building damns in the sand to re-route a little stream.


What is your favourite sandwich?

Oooh, this is random (9)! 😀 and so is my answer…. I love corned beef with plain soft cheese and hula hoops standing upright – can’t beat a crisp sandwich!
*********Kleines Wörterbuch********
(1) Cobwebs: Spinnenweben
(2) Bagpipe: Dudelsack
(3) Haggis: ein schottisches Gericht aus Innereien eines Schafbocks
(4) Ceilidh (gälisch):  ein schottischer (oder irischer) Volkstanz & Tanzveranstaltung
(5) Desert island: einsame Insel
(6) Tackle: bewältigen
(7) Cateran trail: ein Rundwanderweg im Herzen Schottlands
(8) Wading: waten
(9) Random: willkürlich
More info

Der Beitrag 10 Fragen an Catherine (Aberdeen, Schottland) erschien zuerst auf Lovely British Somethings.

https://lovely-british-somethings.de/2020/09/22/catherine-redgate-aberdeen-schottland/feed/ 0 2162
10 Fragen an Sally (Anglesey, Wales) https://lovely-british-somethings.de/2020/09/14/10-fragen-an-sally-meisterin-der-bienenwachstuecher/ https://lovely-british-somethings.de/2020/09/14/10-fragen-an-sally-meisterin-der-bienenwachstuecher/#respond Mon, 14 Sep 2020 06:03:18 +0000 https://lovely-british-somethings.de/?p=2061 Sie kommt aus Kent, lebt auf der walisischen Insel Anglesey und hat Plastik den Kampf angesagt.

Der Beitrag 10 Fragen an Sally (Anglesey, Wales) erschien zuerst auf Lovely British Somethings.


Sie kommt aus Kent, lebt auf der walisischen Insel Anglesey und hat Plastik den Kampf angesagt. 

Describe your home, the Welsh island of Anglesey, in one sentence.

Ynys Môn (the Isle of Anglesey) is an island steeped in (1) history and surrounded by beautiful beaches and cliffs with amazing wildlife like the cheeky (2) red squirrel right on our doorstep.


What is typically Welsh?

The obvious answer is sheep, daffodils (3) and leeks (4) and of course the Welsh Dragon. But Wales is so much more than that. It is a country proud of its heritage (5) and the Welsh people are passionate (6) about their land and their language. 

Here are some great Welsh words:

Cwtch:         A very welsh hug!

Bendigedig:   Wonderful (a word that describes many things here on Anglesey!)

Lechyd da:     Good health


Which are your 3 favourite places in Wales?

  • Newborough forest
  • Tryfan (awesome mountain)
  • Puffin Island


Which are your 3 favourite places in Great Britain?

  • My mum’s and dad’s house
  • Anywhere with donkeys (7)!
  • Anglesey


What is your motto for life? 

 Work to live not live to work


Which three things would you take with you to a desert island?

  • My husband – he can catch fish and light fires!!
  •  Plenty of food in beeswax wraps (8)!
  •  Mosquito repellant- I always get bitten!


How did you get to make beeswax fabric wraps?

I decided a couple of years ago that I needed to reduce my own plastic use. I saw beeswax wraps online as an alternative to clingfilm (9) and decided I could make my own. It wasn’t quite as simple as I thought to get them as good as I wanted them to be. So I did a lot of experimenting and eventually got the recipe right (it’s a top secret recipe now!!). I then started making them for friends and family and the idea grew and grew into the business I have today!


What are your 5 favourite things that you like wrapping in your beeswax wraps?

  • Chocolate brownies – although they don’t stay in the wrap for long…!
  • Half an avocado
  • Cheese
  • Sandwiches
  • Strawberries in a pouch (10)


What was your best nature-experience? 

Seeing orangutans in the wild in Sumatra whilst trekking in the jungle.


What is your favourite sandwich?

Roasted veg (11) and hummus 



*********Kleines Wörterbuch********

(1) steeped in: durchdrungen von

(2) cheeky: frech, vorlaut (meist freundlich gemeint)

(3) daffodils: Narzissen

(4) leek: Lauch

(5) heritage: Erbe

(6) passionate: leidenschaftlich

(7) donkey: Esel

(8) wraps: Wickeltücher

(9) clingfilm: Frischhaltefolie

(10) pouch: Beutel

(11) veg = vegetable: Gemüse

More info

Der Beitrag 10 Fragen an Sally (Anglesey, Wales) erschien zuerst auf Lovely British Somethings.

https://lovely-british-somethings.de/2020/09/14/10-fragen-an-sally-meisterin-der-bienenwachstuecher/feed/ 0 2061