Emma (Sweet William Designs)
Full name: Emma Wood
Place of birth: Norfolk
Profession(s): Founder of Sweet William Ltd
1. What does London mean to you?
Home. I didn’t grow up in London but I’ve lived here for over 20 years now and for me it’s home. My closest friends are here, some of my family, my business and so many memories. I just love this city. The people, the sights, the atmosphere. I’m very happy here.
2. What is typical for Greenwich?
A typical day in Greenwich would have to involve a trip to the bustling (1) Greenwich Market. It’s where I started Sweet William and it’s been the launchpad for so many businesses. You can always find new products and they have a fantastic food court. You would also want to see the Cutty Sark and go for a walk in Greenwich Park and take in the Observatory – where time begins!

Greenwich with the Queen’s House & National Maritime Museum. Photo by Bill Bertram.
3. Which are your 3 favourite places in London?
- St. James Park.
- The City – I worked there for years before starting Sweet William and I love the hustle and bustle (2).
- Claridges Hotel. I just love sitting in their bar enjoying a cocktail or two!
Foto: London Eye fotografiert aus dem
St. James Park
4. Which are your 3 favourite places in Great Britain?
- Southwold, Suffolk – such a beautiful seaside town with beautiful (and very expensive!) beach huts
- Poole Harbour / Sandbanks – such a beautiful part of the world. I took Cooper (my Golden Retriever) in the summer and he absolutely loved it!
- The Isle of Wight – I went there when I was child and I love going back. It’s like stepping back into 1970s England!

The Isle of Wight aus der Satelliten-Perspektive.
Foto: NASA / Chris Hadfield
5. What did you want to be, when you were a little girl?
A nanny!! I was obsessed with babies.
6. What were the biggest milestones in your career?
I designed a range of mugs for Kate and William’s wedding (“I was saving myself for Harry anyway”, “If only I’d gone to St. Andrew’s” etc). The mugs won a competition for best Royal Wedding memorabilia. They were picked up by the Evening Standard who did a feature on us and London Tonight – a local news channel – came to film me at my house making the mugs. From the PR we were inundated (3) with orders and requests from stockists. It really was the turning point for Sweet William.

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7. What or who inspires you most?
William and Cooper! William was my Black Labrador who sadly passed away (4) last year just a month shy of his 15th birthday. He was the inspiration and name behind Sweet William and an all-round legend. Cooper the Golden Retriever strutted (5) into our lives a few months after William passed away and has been healing our hearts ever since and brings so much joy. The love I have for both of them is off the chart! And it’s seeing how humans just completely and utterly adore their four legged friends which I love. Everything we design and create is with this in mind.
8. What was your best nature-experience?
I’m definitely more of a city girl but years ago when I was travelling, we went for the most incredible canoe ride in Knysna, South Africa and then climbed for what felt like hours (!) to reach a beautiful waterfall. That will take some beating.
9. What does your ideal weekend look like?
Either a long weekend to Ibiza or if I’m in London it would be grabbing a coffee and taking Cooper for a ridiculously long walk around the city discovering new places, cafes and shops. Then meeting friends for dinner at Exmouth market.
10. What is your favourite British dish?
Hands down… Fish & Chips!! Sadly I’ve never cooked it in my life so can’t share a recipe but I manage to enjoy a portion at least once a week!
Foto unten: Matthias Meckel

(1) Bustling: Geschäftig
(2) Hustle: Hektik
(3) Inundate: Überschwemmen
(4) Pass away: sterben
(5) Strut: stolzieren